Vsevolod Shvayba was born in Minsk in 1983.

2001 - Graduated from Minsk School of Arts #26.

2001 – Became the winner of the 7th Takasaki International Art and Music Competition

2001 - Entered The Belarusian State Academy of Art.

2006 - Graduated from Belarusian State Academy of Art.

2006 – Began working as a lecturer at State Institute of Management and Social Technologies ( Belarusian State University) at the Department of Design.

2007 - Entered Graphics Department of Artistic Academic Association of Fineart, Graphics and Sculpture under the guidance of artist Georgiy Poplavskiy.

2008 – Became a member of the Youth Section of The Belarusian Artists Union.

2016 – Holds the position of Senior Lecturer at the Belarusian State University and leads the drawing and painting courses.

Several personal exhibitions of Vsevolod Shvayba were held. Among them are an exhibition at the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus and an exhibition in Berlin (both in 2015). He also participated with his paintings and graphics in many collective exhibitions.

LJ:   vsevolod-shva Facebook Deviant Art:  Shvayba E-mail:  contact@shvayba.com Russian Version

Gallery of Tamara Dementjeva